This Is a Real Wheelchair Car from 1956 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Is a Real Wheelchair Car from 1956


Harold Young of Downey, California, has a car designed expressly for wheelchair users in 1956. The driver gets in and out without help. Controls, including a push-stop, pull-go lever, are designed for the handicapped.

The three-wheeler has directional signals as well as standard lights. Transmission uses a Togaloc clutch, chain drive to jackshaft, V-belt drive to rear wheels. The car has had years of all-weather use.


Wheelchair car has welded tubular frame, rugged 20-gauge steel body.

Operator locks chair under horizontal wheel by means of stout hooks on dashboard.

All controls are within easy reach. Horizontal steering wheel gives better leverage.

Power supply is an Onan two-cylinder opposed engine developing 10 hp, 45 mph top.