Once upon the time in C:\Users\Admin\Pictures: The Superb Artworks by Graphica – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Once upon the time in C:\Users\Admin\Pictures: The Superb Artworks by Graphica


Graphica is the pseudonym of an artist who explores the boundaries of perception and expresses their ideas through bold artistic experiments. Their work combines elements of minimalistic glitches, digital neo-impressionism, and avant-garde art, transforming imperfection into a source of inspiration.

“I am Graphica, navigating the space between reality and the hidden depths of your oldest JPEG folder. While I typically focus on hand-drawn painting and illustration, my recent creative pursuits extend into AI collaboration, exploring the almost-present, bygone eras and potential futures.

My work revolves around reimagining antiquated advertisements, internet graphics, and prehistoric memes into nostalgic voyages. I parody visionary concepts, offering punchlines without jokes, transforming daily banality and overanalyzing thoughts into evocative imagery. The folder “C:\Users\Admin\Pictures” fascinates me despite its prior neglect. It feels like Pandora’s Box of JPEGs, an enigma waiting to be discovered—holding something sacred or perhaps accidental clutter.

While I start with specific points or generated pieces in mind, I also immerse myself in existing images, news, and materials from past projects. AI prompts add delightful, cheesy elements that serve as starting points for translating experiences and memories into a collage. My primary goal is to reflect on anything—history, the present, matters of the heart, or the complexities of the mind”. – Graphica

More: X, Daily.xyz

Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, 5 Oclock Bus, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, 14, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, 2022, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Absolute Classics, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Amon Ra, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Beast, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Black Lightning, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Blood And Poppy Milk, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Border Control, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Breeze, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Burden, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Buzz Mess, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Candle, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Capes Dont Wear Heroes, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Casting Shadows, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Ceiken, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Cicada, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Citizen, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Conqueror, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Density, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Drive C, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Faceless And Faithless, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Finger Counting, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Folk, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Forgiveness, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Gathering Of Thoughts, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Golerm, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Imigrant, 2023, Graphica
Graphica, C ,users ,admin ,pictures, Invention, 2023, Graphica

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