Artist Blends Traditional Art Techniques And AI-generated Images To Create Gorgeous Vintage Artworks » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Artist Blends Traditional Art Techniques And AI-generated Images To Create Gorgeous Vintage Artworks – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Blends Traditional Art Techniques And AI-generated Images To Create Gorgeous Vintage Artworks


Felipe Posada, a Colombian-born visual artist and creative director, earned his M.F.A. in Digital Art with a focus on Motion Media from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2003.

With nearly two decades of experience, he has specialized in creating content for commercials, branding campaigns, and immersive experiences. In 2015, he launched *The Invisible Realm*, a personal art project that has since evolved into his main body of work, blending video, photography, CG, AI, and digital tools to explore and communicate complex concepts across various mediums.

More: Felipe Posada, Instagram

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