Photos of The 1939 Lincoln-Zephyr Coupe, One of the First and Most Iconic Art Deco American Cars – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Photos of The 1939 Lincoln-Zephyr Coupe, One of the First and Most Iconic Art Deco American Cars

1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 1

To survive the economic downturn after the 1929 stock market crash, Lincoln introduced the lower-priced Zephyr in 1935 as a 1936 model, following the strategy of Packard and Cadillac.

Designed by John Tjaarda with input from Edsel Ford and Eugene T. “Bob” Gregorie, the Zephyr featured a streamlined Art Deco look and a 110 hp V-12 engine derived from Ford’s flathead V-8. While its bold styling was divisive, the Zephyr was crucial to Lincoln’s survival, making up 17,715 of the 18,994 Lincolns sold in 1936. Production continued through 1948, though the Zephyr name was retired in 1947.


1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 2
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 3
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 4
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 5
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 6
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 7
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 8
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 9
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 10
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 11
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 12
1939 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe 13

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