Where Do You Give? – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Where Do You Give?

For decades, most Jewish homes had a small tin box for collecting coins that served as a vehicle for fulfilling the biblical imperative to care for the downtrodden. This receptacle was periodically emptied to support the local school, synagogue or soup kitchen.

“Today, tzedakah, traditionally equated with ‘charity,’ but more accurately defined as ‘justice,’ is unbounded by geographic—or even religious—parameters,” said Dorfman. “People support organizations working in the developing world and groups in their own communities, and the technology of giving has transcended doling out coins.”

The Where Do You Give? design competition pays homage to the tzedakah box of old and honors the enduring values it represents as it invites artists to construct an updated vehicle for giving. Submissions can range from variations on the traditional tzedakah box to interactive, web-based applications to conceptual installations.

Welcome to enter by March 09, 2012, and the winners receive global recognition, an international travel experience with AJWS, and a meaningful cash prize. Nine finalists will receive a $250 prize and will be featured in a national mobile tour hosted in galleries, synagogues and various communal spaces. The grand prize winner will receive $2,500 and a trip to visit AJWS’s grassroots partners in the Americas, Africa or Asia.

Thi is your chance to shape the future of giving. All are welcome to enter, – Jewish and non-Jewish designers alike!