Talented Mom Hand Crafts an Incredibly Realistic ‘Rocket Raccoon’ Costume for Her 6-Year Old Son – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Talented Mom Hand Crafts an Incredibly Realistic ‘Rocket Raccoon’ Costume for Her 6-Year Old Son


Christina Borchardt, a talented artist who makes costumes for various cosplay events, created an incredibly realistic “Rocket Raccoon” from ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘ costume for her (now) 6-year old son Chase, who absolutely loves raccoons.


“We are going to be cosplaying Guardians of the galaxy for the next convention we do. (A while from now) my 5 year old really wanted to be Rocket, because he thinks a raccoon that kicks butt and shoots guns is awesome He fell in love with them when they showed up on his spiderman cartoon. I decided to start working on it ahead of time before the next conventions pop up.”


Borchardt made each piece by hand, painstakingly replicating each detail to near-perfection including a working hinged jaw. The costume was so impressive that Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn shared Chase’s picture on his Facebook page.


Via Laughing Squid