What Michelle Obama’s Campaign Branding May Look Like If She Runs For President – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

What Michelle Obama’s Campaign Branding May Look Like If She Runs For President


If you are a fan of President Obama, you are probably also in the anti-Trump camp for this year’s presidential race—and you are likely to be rather, if not very, upset by how the country would soon be led by President Trump.

More info: Behance (h/t: designtaxi)


After the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, some people opposed to him have started fantasizing about a Michelle Obama campaign in 2020—after all, if President Obama himself cannot run again, the very popular First Lady would be a great alternative.


Based in France, art director Mathieu Schatzler has imagined what the visual branding identity of Michelle Obama 2020 would look like with his well-executed concept.


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