The Electric State: Simon Stålenhag Comes A New Narrative Artbook About A Girl And Her Robot Traveling West In An Alternate 90s USA » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
The Electric State: Simon Stålenhag Comes A New Narrative Artbook About A Girl And Her Robot Traveling West In An Alternate 90s USA – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Electric State: Simon Stålenhag Comes A New Narrative Artbook About A Girl And Her Robot Traveling West In An Alternate 90s USA

“In late 1997, a runaway teenager and her yellow toy robot travel west through a strange USA, where the ruins of gigantic battle drones litter the countryside heaped together with the discarded trash of a high tech consumerist society in decline. As their car approaches the edge of the continent, the world outside the window seems to be unraveling ever faster as if somewhere beyond the horizon, the hollow core of civilization has finally caved in.”

Simon Stålenhag (previously featured) is the internationally acclaimed author, concept designer and artist behind Tales from the Loop and Things from the Flood. His highly imaginative images and stories depicting illusive sci-fi phenomena in mundane, hyper-realistic Scandinavian landscapes have made Stålenhag one of the most sought-after visual storytellers in the world.

Now, Stålenhag turns his unique vision to America in a new narrative artbook: The Electric State. With your support, these amazing images will turn into a top-quality narrative artbook, truly doing justice to the extreme attention to detail and quality of Stålenhag’s work.

The book will also add Stålenhag’s own texts to supplement the images, giving you an even deeper understanding of the universe of The Electric State.

More info: Simon Stålenhag, Tumblr, Kickstarter

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