What If Renaissance Sculptures “Behaved” In A Modern Way » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
What If Renaissance Sculptures “Behaved” In A Modern Way – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

What If Renaissance Sculptures “Behaved” In A Modern Way

Spanish artist Gerard Mas, who is currently based in Barcelona, creates humorous marble sculptures that combine quirky, cheeky attitude of modern day culture with reserved behavioral traits of Renaissance era.

Sculptor shows elegant 15th-century ladies picking their noses, chewing gum and blowing bubbles, or using headsets while talking on the phone.

“I thought about the millions of attitudes and situations that old artworks couldn’t capture because they were simply inappropriate for a lady in the 15th century,” Mas says. “I decided to try to do it in an old media and style. It was something like an invented old art. After that, the anachronisms came and pop elements, too, as a natural evolution.”

More info: Instagram (h/t: boredpanda)

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