An Ice Statue Of Greta Thunberg Has Been Erected In Trafalgar Square – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

An Ice Statue Of Greta Thunberg Has Been Erected In Trafalgar Square


London-based creatives Alissa Khan-Whelan, Chris Godfrey and CJ Brown erected an ice sculpture of climate activist Greta Thunberg in Trafalgar Square yesterday (2 October). The likeness, which melted throughout the day in the sunny weather, aimed to be a “powerful representation of climate change and the plight the world is in unless change is made,” the creators say in a statement about the project.

More: h/t: itsnicethat


The sculpture was made by the trio to draw attention to a petition to install a permanent statue of Thunberg in London, recognising her bravery and determination in starting an international climate movement and “inspiring a generation to fearlessly take on world leaders in the fight to halt climate change.”


The creatives behind the project – Khan-Whelan, Godfrey and Brown – are the same team behind The Instagram Egg, a campaign to get a picture of a humble egg to be the most liked post on Instagram.



Alissa Khan-Whelan, Chris Godfrey and CJ Brown: #GretaIceberg