Energy-Saving Lighting System Turns Night Sky Purple in Sweden – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Energy-Saving Lighting System Turns Night Sky Purple in Sweden


For the past couple of months, residents of two small towns on the southern coast of Sweden have been experiencing a peculiar nighttime phenomenon – the sky turning a bright magenta.

The people Gislov and Trelleborg, two small Swedish towns located about 10 minutes apart, were originally alarmed by the bright purple sky above them, but their worries were quickly put to rest by the representatives of a nearby tomato farm, who explained that the unnatural night sky color was caused by a new energy-saving system they had installed. The large LED installation cast a purple light on the plants, stimulating growth, but also glowed upwards, illuminating low clouds from below and creating a sci-fi effect.

h/t: oddirycentral


Swedish outlet SVT recently reported that the purple light also seems to confuse birds in the area, as they reportedly “get caught” in the light and fly around in it for hours. No on knows exactly why birds do this, but it’s a known phenomenon observed primarily around lighthouses and strong projectors that create visible light cones.




