In A Series Of Dreamlike Paintings, The Artist Captures The Relationship Between People, Animals, And Nature » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
In A Series Of Dreamlike Paintings, The Artist Captures The Relationship Between People, Animals, And Nature – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

In A Series Of Dreamlike Paintings, The Artist Captures The Relationship Between People, Animals, And Nature


Elicia Edijanto (previously), an Indonesian artist, is renowned for her mesmerizing black-and-white watercolor paintings. Her artwork opens a portal to a dreamlike realm where children and animals share a silent, profound bond.

Through the simplicity of black-and-white watercolors, she beautifully captures the enchantment of childhood innocence and the serene beauty of nature. Edijanto’s creations serve as gentle reminders to pause, take a deep breath, and cherish the small moments of joy found in companionship and the natural world.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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