“Dusk Of An Infinite Shade”: The Superb Fantasy Oil Paintings By Steven Belledin – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Dusk Of An Infinite Shade”: The Superb Fantasy Oil Paintings By Steven Belledin

Steven Belledin was raised in Pennsylvania and started his career completing highschool art assignments for his older sisters in exchange for enough money to buy more Swedish fish than he probably should have eaten. After high school he fled small town life to hide among the drones of New York City and become an oil painter.

Four years later, he stumbled out of the gates of Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute into the harsh light of the “real world” and immediately dove head first into the brick wall of illustration. Though it took him a couple years to recover, he finally began plying his trade in 2000 and continues to plod ahead, tickled that he gets paid to do something he loves. Steven currently resides in Seattle, Washington, peering out at the world through the slats of the venetian blinds in his studio windows. One wife, one dog.

His clients include Harper Collins, Estee Lauder Companies, Wizards of the Coast, Upperdeck, Sabertooth Games, Alderac Entertainment Group, Fantasy Flight Games, Hidden City Games, Hidden Kingdom Games, among others.

His work has been exhibited in Fantasy+ 3, Spectrum (13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21), Spectrum: the Exhibit at the Museum of American Illustration, the Society of Illustrators 49th Annual Exhibition, the Society of Illustrators 49th Annual Traveling Exhibition, the Society of Illustrators 50th Annual Exhibition, the Society of Illustrators 17th and 18th Members Open, and the Prevailing Human Spirit show.

Awards and honors include the Gencon Art Show’s 2008 Best In Show, ConGlomeration Art Show’s 2010 Best in Show, and ConGlomeration’s 2010 Artist Guest of Honor.

More: Steven Belledin, Instagram, Facebook, Shop

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