The Horror Of Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations Revealed In 46 Dark Drawings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Horror Of Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations Revealed In 46 Dark Drawings

I’m A Little Bit Panicked That I May Find Myself In Sleep Paralysis Again


Sleep paralysis is a curious thing. As you might know, during an episode of sleep paralysis a person is unable to move or speak, all the while being totally aware of that. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also an eerie twist – while being paralyzed, one might also see hallucinations, which, when seen for the first couple of times might be intensely scary. And to make it just a little bit more fun, visual hallucinations are never pleasant, merely the level of terror felt might vary. Of course, there are a couple of theories why these things happen to usually otherwise healthy people, but nobody knows for sure.

Unlike with dreams, people with sleep paralysis always remember their hallucinations easily, since they weren’t dreamed of, but seen during a period of awakening. And that makes these visions a perfect inspiration for horror-themed art. Mostly, the sleep paralysis hallucinations include dark figures watching, supernatural creatures suffocating or terrifying the sleeper, often accompanied with and out-of-the-body feeling and loud buzzing, humming noises. Though it is quite hard to describe what exactly this grim experience feels like, these artists have managed to impart their episodes perfectly, giving us a glimpse of these nightly terrors in their dark drawings.

If you also suffer from this mind disturbance, try following a healthy sleeping regime as it decreases the chances of sleep paralysis phenomena occurrence. On the other hand, these deep drawings might consolidate you in knowing that you are not alone and these hallucinations haunt other people, too.

h/t: boredpanda

I Too Had Sleep Paralysis


Sleep Paralysis
“Why can’t I wake up? I have had this before, and it is undoubtedly one of the most frightening experiences ever. Who else here has had sleep paralysis? Once I woke up but I was not really awake it just felt so real, I looked at my room door to see why it was open. I close it every night, all I see is what seems to be an old woman silhouette standing there then all of a sudden she runs to the side of my bed, I can’t move, can’t talk, can’t shout.”


Another common theme in sleep paralysis hallucinations – terrifying intruders.


Had Another One An Hour Ago. Decided To Photoshop An Example
“I’ve had sleep paralysis for a few years, and each time is just as terrifying as the last. I always wake with a feeling of being in a void, alongside a sense like the void is rumbling deeply, like an airplane engine is above my house, combined with a weight on my chest.”


I Use My Nightmare Creatures As An Inspiration


Sleep Paralysis Self Portrait. I’m A Long Time Sufferer
“It started in my teen years and has continued into adulthood. It was always hard to explain to people without thinking I was crazy. I wanted to create something that conveyed how scary the experience is when your body is paralyzed, and you lay there while you feel things in the room or see dark shadows or demons staring at you.”


The Feeling Of Sleep Paralysis
“Feeling of sleep paralysis is probably the best described by using such words as terror, helplessness and threat.”


Ever Since That Day, I Pray I Never Wake To It Again
“Dark and eerie monsters are what accompanies sleep paralysis most often. And when the ability to move and speak is lost, it is incredibly hard to snap out of it.”


Describing Sleep Paralysis


A Drawing Of One Of My Sleep Paralysis Experiences
“I feel it’s definitely a manifestation of my inner issues and fears. Although I used to get sleep paralysis all the time when I would drink heavily and that seemed pretty straight up demonic at times – like I was in hell. Which felt like I was in a lot of the time. But this drawing was from the tail end of my excessive drinking days and a bad relationship. That was two years ago. A lot has changed. I’m healthy. I am feeling better than ever. I don’t have sleep paralysis anymore. Not often anyway. It’s happened once in the last two years, but after dealing with it nightly for years, I’m no longer afraid.”


Sleep Paralysis


Here’s A Painted Storyboard Shot For My New Horror Film Called Tickle About Sleep Paralysis And Domestic Abuse


I Can Tell You That Sleep Paralysis Is Not Fun
“For me, I know for sure that it was a sleep paralysis since I couldn’t move at all. It felt like all nerve connections were cut, and even though I ordered my legs and arms to move, they didn’t respond in any way. It was a terrifying moment. Also, I saw all kinds of stuff, but after the thing was over I realized I had kept my eyes closed all the time.”


The Best Picture To Depict Sleep Paralysis

A Drawing Of Something I Saw During A Sleep Paralysis Episode
“Those were like translucent blue electric cords, what I saw. Like being plugged into the matrix.”


I’ve Been Having Sleep Paralysis For Years, And I Wanted To Reflect The Suffering You May Feel And The Loneliness That It Brings
“This is a profound subject to represent for me, so it was kind of hard to do, and I think that’s why my style is so different, kind of truer.”


My Sleep Paralysis
“I get sleep paralysis quite a bit, a few times a week at the moment, but unfortunately/fortunately I don’t get the creepy woman sitting on my chest like so many others do. I also get night terrors, but they are always completely separate from my sleep paralysis. So anyway, a few days ago I woke up to some sleep paralysis but this time it was different, it was like an out-of-body experience, but I could see myself asleep in a hospital ward, the creepy empty 1950s asylum type. I didn’t think that much of it, and I was doing the usual actions trying to wake myself up, at some point, I ‘re-entered’ my body and was laying there asleep but able to see. Then all of a sudden from underneath my duvet these grey old spindly claw-like hands reached out towards me followed by this hollow/shallow face. It moved lightning fast with the kind of jitteriness of a spider, and this woman came from beneath the covers and injected me. The instant I was pumped I was awake.”


I Feel That This Is A Pretty Accurate Depiction Of Sleep Paralysis


Illustration I Did A While Ago Based On A Sleep Paralysis Experience I Had


This Is A Painting About Sleep Paralysis. If You’ve Ever Had It, You’ll Understand
“After a sleep paralysis hallucination episode one might feels totally helpless and out of control of their own body.”


Sleep Paralysis – A Self Portrait


Awake And Conscious, But Unable To Move Or Speak
“It happened to me a lot of times, and it is the most frightening experience that has ever occurred to me, but now I am getting enough sleep, and I tried following a sleep schedule.”


If Anyone Else Has Been Through It Before, You Know The Horribly Terrifying Feeling. This Is My Take On It
“When I was a child, I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. Sleep paralysis may leave you feeling frightened, especially if you also see or hear things that aren’t really there. Sleep paralysis may happen only once, or you may have it frequently – even several times a night.”


I Worked Pretty Hard On Creating What I Saw Staring At Me In My Room, And This Is It
“For me, the first time it was on my ceiling staring at me, and the second time it was sitting at the end of my bed. Back when I had no idea what sleep paralysis was I told my brother about what happened (he is 25), let me just say that was a terrible idea… because he tried to convince me it was an alien and that I was abducted.”


The Sandman, A Drawing About Sleep Paralysis
“I avoid sleeping on my back when I don’t want it to happen. It still scares me.”


Drew This Piece Based On Stories That My Friend Who Had Sleep Paralysis Told Me
“Sleeping in a supine position – lying flat on your back or stomach is a known instigator of sleep paralysis and hallucinations that follow it. ”


Have You Been Sleepwalking Again? Don’t Worry, Not Anymore


Drawing For My Illustration Class. The Assignment Was To Pick An Article And Do An Illustration For It. I Chose An Article On Sleep Paralysis


Sleep Paralysis Is Utterly Horrifying. I Did A Quick Marker Drawing Of What I Hallucinated
“I only had the sitting feeling, seeing things, and the stabbing feeling. The choking one, which some people also suffers during sleep paralysis, sounds pretty horrible.”


Sleep Paralysis: Succubus
“A succubus is a demon in a female form that appears in dreams or hallucinations with intentions to seduce men for their own good.”


A Drawing Of What I’ve Seen During Sleep Paralysis
“A lot of times they are standing right next to my bed while I try to move or scream for help but can do neither. There’s not much you can do besides try to wake yourself up somehow.”


A Girl From Some Of My Sleep Paralysis Episodes. I Am Not An Artist By Any Means But She Is Kind Of Creepy
“She comes from the doorway and kind of just floats in the corner of my room staring at me. She has no legs that I can see as her dirty white dress covers them. One of her arms is cut off above the elbow and bleeding onto her dress. There is always a breeze blowing her hair and dress around. She doesn’t do anything but float and look very sad. Never tries to approach me. Sometimes she has a lantern in her intact arm. I used to be very afraid of her but now that I am used to having sleep paralysis – I know she is not real and nothing to be scared of.”


Stop Trying To Scream, It Won’t Work. Your Throat Muscles Are Paralyzed Too. You Still Can’t Breathe
“You are staring at a blank ceiling, and you can’t stare anywhere else. Shadows flit across your vision, forming shapes you try not to think about. A clawed hand, a flash of jagged, shadowy teeth. All images from your subconscious. A face forming above yours, leering through black void eyes. You think you hear sibilant whispering. Angry hissing, like a snake that’s been disturbed.”


Another Sleep Paralysis Experience
“I’d like to say with this one, and I remember my TV woke me up…or what I thought was my TV, I mean I was in a dream state, so it wasn’t actually even on. That snowy effect was going on when the cable goes out, and there was an all-encompassing and deep vibrating or buzzing that seemed to come from the TV. This buzzing typically accompanies sleep paralysis episodes and serves as a sort of warning for what may happen if I don’t calm myself and think positive and loving thoughts.”


My Try To Describe Sleep Paralysis
“Though, as much as it scares me when it happens, I have to appreciate the creative motivation it provides! Something good has to come of it.”


Sleep Paralysis
“Luckily, I don’t have sleep paralysis issues anymore. Not often anyway. They were common experiences for most of my life though. Lots of ideas for artistic inspiration.”


What I See When I Get Sleep Paralysis
“Sometimes he comes over and picks me up, but I usually wake before we leave the room. Sometimes he just stands there waiting for me to go on my own. He’s a very long, creepy looking dude with blotchy skin and wears a suit. Sometimes a table and two chairs are set up at the end of my room, and he’s trying to get me to come to sit. I have a very long bedroom with not much in it. I guess he brought the table and chairs with him.”


What Does It Feel To Be In A Sleep Paralysis


Recently I Feel Like A Dark Figure Is Observing Me. When I Was Younger, It Used To Happen More Often, So I Guess I Managed To Master It
“I have sleep paralysis too. This illustration is an expression of my feelings. It’s no joke, and sometimes it’s hard to deal with it.”


Done For An Article On A Condition Known As Sleep Paralysis. It’s Kind Of Like The Opposite Of Sleep Walking


When I Was Little, I Always Had Some Sleep Paralysis So Here Is A Drawing Representing My Childhood
“The fact is that your brain thinks you are sleeping so all your dreams, and your fears will be personified into the real world, and it’ll give you hallucinations. I think it’s the most terrific thing I’ve ever experienced cause it’s impossible for you to understand that what you’re seeing is not real, you know you are “not sleeping” so you are SURE it’s real.”


Sleep Disorders For Years. Terrified Of Shadow Things. Here’s An Example I Drew Of What I Am Seeing When I Doze Off
“This has caused me sleep deprivation and insomnia as I am anxious to sleep. I went through severe sleep deprivation to the point of hearing things and waking hallucinations when I got to 8 days without sleep I took myself to the emergency room where I ended up voluntarily committing myself. It was scary as hell.”


My First Sleep Paralysis Episode Drawn From Memory. A Dark Figure Watching Over Me. This Happened 4 Years Ago, But The Memory Still Haunts Me
“The scariest aspect of my experience was that though its face was pitch black and had no facial features, yet I could “feel” it intensely staring at me. It was that same feeling you get when you are alone and feel like you are being watched. I get chills thinking about it. But as creepy as this figure looked, the weirdest thing is that I didn’t feel like it was an evil presence. It was sitting so human-like… and seemed more curious in me rather than threatening. It sat there motionless for about 30 seconds by my feet at the edge of my bed, just watching me the whole time, then disappeared once I regained control of my body.”


How I See Sleep Paralysis


My Drawing Of Sleep Paralysis


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