Artist From South Korea Fixes Old Tattoos in the Style of Watercolor Paintings » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Artist From South Korea Fixes Old Tattoos in the Style of Watercolor Paintings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist From South Korea Fixes Old Tattoos in the Style of Watercolor Paintings

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Silo is a well-known tattoo artist from South Korea who creates exquisite, painting-like flower tattoos.

Her work brilliantly reflects the essence of exquisite Asian art, with an emphasis on sophistication and femininity. Silo provides a one-of-a-kind approach to tattoo design for individuals looking to add a touch of refinement.

Silo is well-known for her ability to convert old, undesired tattoos into breathtaking new works of art. Many people hire her to hide or alter tattoos that they no longer enjoy. If you want to see this Korean artist’s stunning masterpieces, scroll down and look through the photographs we’ve selected for you today.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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