5 Ridiculously Pretty Sisters Thank Their Parents for Their Expensive Weddings With a Photoshoot – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

5 Ridiculously Pretty Sisters Thank Their Parents for Their Expensive Weddings With a Photoshoot

Weddings can take a serious toll on your bank account. Especially when you’ve foot the bill for FIVE.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

That’s why sisters Lindsay, Becky, Kelly, Cassie, and Jamie, decided to do a photo shoot to surprise and thank their parents for all their support.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

On her website, Cassie (second from left), explains that she first suggested the idea to her wedding photographer, Rachel Blackwell, who did the photo shoot for both her and her sister Jamie’s (second from right) weddings.

“She pitched me the idea about six months before Jamie’s wedding, and we put the shoot on the calendar for one week after, like the day after she came home from her honeymoon,” Blackwell told Buzzfeed.

The day of the shoot happened in July, outside San Jose, California. All five sisters got their hair done together in the morning, and wore their wedding-day shoes for the occasion.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

“They all helped zip each other up and were talking about their own wedding days,” Blackwell said. “They were having all kinds of fun, while the husbands hung out at the house they got ready at and watched all the children.“

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

They even brought along framed photos from their actual wedding days.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

And re-created a classic couch scene from Friends.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

They took a photo on this vintage truck.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

And then got together at the local Starbucks to have this awesome photo taken with their rings in full view.

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

In short, the photos were a resounding success…

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

“The mother of the girls loved them. She ordered some big prints for her house,” Blackwell said.

Cassie said they wanted the photos to be “a small and fun way to thank our parents for supporting us and our marriages over the years.”

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

Blackwell revealed that this was her favorite photo of them all:

Rachel Blackwell Photography / Via rachelblackwellphotography.com

“It’s nothing special, just a clean classic image of all the girls hugging,” Cassie went on to add, “I would want that image if my daughters did a shoot for me like that.”

Via Pupltastic, Buzzfeed