This Elderly Couple Bought Their Household Appliances In 1950s, 50 Years Later They Still Work! – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Elderly Couple Bought Their Household Appliances In 1950s, 50 Years Later They Still Work!

David Hedges/SWNS

Sydney and Rachel Saunders from Exeter, UK, an elderly couple, both in their 80s, have been using the same home appliances that they bought over half a century ago! Their tumble dryer, boiler, cooker, and washing machine cost them just £146 GBP ($193 USD) when they first purchased them way back in 1956, and somewhat incredibly, they continue to work to this day.

“Things were made better in those days, they were more durable and stronger,” said Mr Saunders, a retired accountant. “We were given the washing machine when we were married – 62 years ago – and the last time it was used was 12 years ago,” added his wife Rachel, a retired carer. “As far as I know it’s still in full working order, it just leaks a bit. You just don’t get appliances made like that today.”

The couple have finally decided to part with their antique appliances after all these years, but Mr Saunders isn’t bothered about how much they might get for selling them.

“I’d like them to go to a museum or something like that so they can be preserved,” he said.

h/t: boredpanda

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS

David Hedges/SWNS