Artist Collects Rocks, Paint Eyes On Them And Return Them To The Landscape To Be Found Or Lost Forever » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Artist Collects Rocks, Paint Eyes On Them And Return Them To The Landscape To Be Found Or Lost Forever – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Collects Rocks, Paint Eyes On Them And Return Them To The Landscape To Be Found Or Lost Forever

Jennifer Allnutt is a young artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Art has been a pivotal part of her life since childhood nurtured by her grandfather but it was 2007 when she first discovered her love for oil painting and since then she hasn’t been able to put her paintbrush down. She graduated from the University of South Australia with a Bachelor of Visual Arts (First Class Honours) in 2011.

“On a recent residency with Q Bank Gallery in Queenstown, Tasmania I began a project of transforming collected rocks into painted eyes and returning them to the landscape to be found or lost forever. Queenstown has an extensive mining history and there were many unusual rocks everywhere. So I began a collection and what started as something for myself grew into a treasure hunt/community art project,” Jennifer told Bored Panda.

More: Jennifer Allnutt h/t: boredpanda