This Artist Draws Comics To Blow Off Some Steam During The Coronavirus Pandemic
According to Mark Zukor: “Who says you can’t have a little fun during dark times? Certainly not me. That’s why, to blow off some steam during the pandemic, I’ve been making cartoons about my experience.
It started as a creative way to entertain myself. I’ve always loved cartoons but never actually made my own. While they include everything from current events, to politics, to everyday life, I usually try to make them about the pandemic in some way.
My humor is somewhat cynical and sarcastic. I wouldn’t say I’m a pessimist, but I do find that looking for the humor in the darkness keeps me laughing at things that would otherwise be too depressing to deal with. Hope they give you a laugh, too!
To see more of my cartoons, check out my Instagram page!”
More: Mark Zukor, Instagram h/t: boredpanda