This Artist Has Perfectly Designed These Amazing Tattoo Tights » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
This Artist Has Perfectly Designed These Amazing Tattoo Tights – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Artist Has Perfectly Designed These Amazing Tattoo Tights


Gabby is an artist and designer who has been crafting beautiful printed tattoo tights since 2006. Her love for wearable art began as a passion project but quickly evolved into something greater, transforming legs into living canvases, one pair of tights at a time!

More: Etsy h/t: boredpanda

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A few years ago, life bestowed upon her the most beautiful (and exhausting) gift: her son. She took a step back from designing to focus on raising him. Amid diaper changes, sleepless nights, and chasing a tiny tornado around the house, her creativity never waned. Most of it was directed toward figuring out how to make vegetables appealing to a toddler.

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Now, she’s excited to announce her return with a brand-new collection! This time, her designs are infused with even more heart, playfulness, and a touch of motherhood-inspired magic. Her latest tights feature delicate floral prints, adorable bunnies, a touch of beautiful darkness, and—because life without cats is simply unacceptable—some feline-friendly designs as well.

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