These 13 Satirical Cartoons Depict The Disturbing Reality Of Modern-Day Society
The Soldier’s Future
This is a satirical representation of the modern day World, through the eyes of Petry and Crisan, a Romaninan cartoonist duo.
h/t: boredpanda, trueactivist
True Love
“These cartoons represent our views on relevant topics, such as war or politics, and people sins, like immorality and shallowness. Even though our work has been acclaimed by the art community and won many prizes, our main goal is to bring attention to touchy subjects.” – said Crisan to Boredpanda.
The Bible, Corrected By God
The Cure For Stupidity
The Opening Ceremony Of Life
Two Prisoners
The Revolutionary’s “Victory”
The Grandmaster
Doctor or Veterinary? Both!
The Politican’s Future
The Truth About Original Sin
The Brain