Amazing Deadpool Metal Sculpture Is a True Work of Art – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Amazing Deadpool Metal Sculpture Is a True Work of Art

Etsy seller MetalArtProductions created a life-size metal sculpture of Wade Wilson, perfect to display in your home. Maybe place it in your backyard, and scare all those pesky raccoons away. (Just not Rocket Raccoon.) And it will only set you back a mere $10,145.03. You can check out images of this red-and-black beauty right here.

More: Etsy h/t: nerdist

MetalArtProductions artists hand craft each unique piece they create, as is the case with this Deadpool piece. Only parts that are recycled are used. Each piece undergoes hours of designing and meticulous planning. Once a design is ready, the welding process starts. This can take anywhere from hours, up to months. All depending on the size, scale and detail of a particular piece.

Aside from Deadpool, MetalArtProductions also has some other Marvel-ous life size sculptures, including Iron Man: