Photoshop Fridge Magnets – Burn And Dodge Your Way Through The Kitchen – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Photoshop Fridge Magnets – Burn And Dodge Your Way Through The Kitchen

According to Photojojo studio: “You’re a whiz when your fingertips hit the keyboard. You’ve got brushes and lassos at the ready.”

“But when your feet hit the tile and you’re forced to confront cupboards of neglected pans, melon ballers, and scary looking blenders — you realize they’re not your tools of choice.”

“Fear not culinarily-challenged friend! With our Photoshop Fridge Magnets you can now find comfort in the kitchen. This set of eleven magnets bring that friendly user interface you know and love to the front of your fridge.”

“Though they won’t allow you to Edit > Undo that over-seasoned soup, or clone stamp a hole in your pie crust they can make you feel a little more at home in your kitchen.”

“Feel them silently cheering you on as you select “pizza” to heat up your leftovers or shift command the oven light to view some sizzling formerly-frozen treats.”

“Disclaimer: these magnets, while ideal for holding photos to your fridge may/may not actually improve your cooking skills.”