Artist Couple Creates Amazing Embroidery Harry Potter-themes Masterpieces » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Artist Couple Creates Amazing Embroidery Harry Potter-themes Masterpieces – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Couple Creates Amazing Embroidery Harry Potter-themes Masterpieces


Two Russian artisans have shown thousands of women how to make embroideries inspired by the ‘Harry Potter’ world!

Svetlana Panina and Ksenia Gromova are skilled needleworkers who have taught over 5,000 aspiring embroiderers in their courses. They use needle and thread to create portraits of mostly animals and pets, as well as famous figures like Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Jacques Yves Cousteau, and more.

They use a satin (flat) stitch method that allows them to produce artistic and expressive embroideries, unlike the more rigid cross stitch method.

Their imagination led them to explore the themes from ‘Harry Potter’. They recently co-wrote a book called ‘Embroidery School for Potteromans’, where they displayed 28 embroideries based on the Harry Potter world and gave detailed instructions on how to make them!

More: Svetlana Panina, Ksenia Gromova


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